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PDC Emulator master The domain controller that services network clients that do not have Active Directory client software installed and replicates changes to any Windows NT backup controllers The PDC emulator master also handles authentication requests for accounts with recently changed passwords, if the change has not been replicated yet to the entire domain Ping An Internet Protocol (IP) utility that checks to see whether another computer is available and functioning It sends a short message to which the other computer automatically responds If the other computer does not respond to the ping, it is often an indication that communications between the two computers cannot be established at the IP level point of presence (POP) A physical site in a geographic area where a network access provider, such as a telecommunications company, has equipment to which users connect.

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The local telephone company s central office in a particular area is also sometimes referred to as their POP for that area Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) A protocol that provides router-torouter and host-to-network connections over a telephone line (or a network link that acts like a telephone line) See also Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP) port From a computer system perspective, a physical connection point on a computer where you can connect devices that pass data into and out of a computer For example, a printer is typically connected to a parallel port (also called an LPT port), and a modem is typically connected to a serial port (also called a COM port) From a network perspective, a port is a numbered communication channel through which information passes from one computer system to another Terminal Services traffic, for example, communicates on port 3389.

Post Office Protocol (POP) A protocol by which a mail server on the Internet lets you access your mail and download it to a computer Most people refer to this protocol with its version number (POP2, POP3, and so on) to avoid confusing it with points of presence (POPs)..

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A computer that has Windows Server 2003 installed and operating. To follow the examples directly, your server should be named Server01 and function as a domain controller in the domain. A configured and functioning Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) network to which your console and remote administrative target computers can connect (for administration of remote computers). A second computer running Windows Server 2003, named Server02 and configured as a member server in the domain.

The administrative framework of Windows Server 2003 is the MMC. The MMC provides a standardized, common interface for one or more tools, called snap-ins, that are specialized for individual tasks. The default administrative tools in Windows Server 2003 are MMCs with one or more snap-ins suited to a specific purpose. The Active Directory Users And Computers administrative tool, for example, is an MMC with the Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in.

Globalization and Localization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533

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Net MVC requires generating a FileResult method. With IronPDF you can use mvc to return a pdf file. ... C# Object Reference and Get Started Tutorials ...

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